Spain. 2023. Color. 81'.
A woman stands in front of her front door every morning before going to work. Every day she stops a little longer. What she doesn't know is that someone is watching her.
- Saturday, 21. Babel 3. 22h.
With the attendance of the directors, Àlex Andrés y Emilio Encabo Lucini, and the film's team.
- Directors: Àlex Andrés, Emilio Encabo Lucini
- Scriptwriter and photography: Emilio Encabo Lucini
- Music: Àlex Andrés
- Cast: Carla Pascual, Olivia Charco, Ainoa Alpuente, Alejandro Pedro Ponce, Sergio Martín, Lucía Peñarrocha
- Production and distribution: En Terra de Ningú