Mostra de València-Cinema del Mediterrani and La Filmoteca jointly celebrate World Day for Audiovisual Heritage with the screening of two restored films that are part of the history of cinema. The program includes the medium-length films LA MONTAGNE INFIDÈLE and VOLUNTAD. Recovered, restored, and digitized by the Filmoteca de Catalunya, LA MONTAGNE INFIDÈLE was considered lost until 2021 when it was identified in a deposit from the Tresserras collection at the Filmoteca de Catalunya, in a 28mm Pathé Kok print. Preserved by Agustín Caballero's son in storage for over half a century, in eight flammable 35mm nitrate rolls, VOLUNTAD has been restored and reconstructed by the Filmoteca Española.
France. 1923. B/N. 24’
Direction: Jean Epstein
Photography: Paul Guichard
Production: Pathé-Consortium-Cinema
Distribution: Filmoteca de Catalunya
On 22 June 1923, five days after the start of a violent eruption of Mount Etna, Jean Epstein crosses Italy to see and film the monster that caused it.
Spain, 1928. 76'
Direction: Mario Roncoroni
Scripwritter: Agustín Caballero
Photography: Pablo Grau
Production: Ediciones Caballero
Cast: Genoveva Vallés, María Antonia Llorens, Silvia de Silvia, Agustín Caballero.
In the orange groves and orchards of Carcaixent, a poor young gardener and the eldest daughter of the family who owns the estate where he works fall in love. At the same time, the young man's sister is raped by a friend of the owners of the estate and expelled because of her pregnancy.
- Friday, 27th. La Filmoteca. 20h.
Presentation of the book "Voluntad." Agustín Caballero, making cinema in Carcaixent (1928), published by Edicions 96 (2023), and coordinated by Dolores García Hinarejos and Pau Álvarez López. With the presence of Dolores García Hinarejos (book coordinator), Inma Trull (head of recovery at La Filmoteca), and Áurea Ortiz (Programming Department of La Filmoteca).